
Zachariah: Lead+Backup Vocals, Rhythm Guitar, Main Lyricist

Edward: Lead+Backup Vocals, Lead Guitar, Main Songwriter

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Recording Fail

Ok, this one is a little late, this happened over the weekend. More specifically, February 19-20th, 2010. Anyway, we were all set to start recording a few new songs so we could put them up. We went into the studio and were moving around the microphone in front of the amp for about 2 hours. At this point we were going to quit, but then we realized we had an adaptor that would hook the amp up to the recording device, while not giving the best quality, it would definitely have been better quality than what we were getting. Here's where it all fell apart. We went and got the adaptor, we put it down, took a break, came back, and it was gone. So basically, we are just taking time to write new songs until it can be replaced.

"Be famous, not depressed, no one's ever
gotten on the cover of a magazine
by giving up."

Friday, February 5, 2010

Re-Vamped the entire blog

-Music Player
-About Pages for Members of the Band
-Fan collector

-some misspellings in our biography

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Our first song, Plague. Has been re-mastered. It also has lyrics now, but the vocals have not as of yet been recorded. To see the lyrics go here. Please comment if you like them... or if you don't still comment, any publicity is good publicity.

"We are the creators of this universe, love us or hate us,
we are Jestyr, we are your birth, we are your death,
we are your life. Live with it."